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Real Growth Starts When... (S1E3)

Today we're talking about growth. Does real growth start when you're tired of your same old story and excuses? Or does it take more than words to activate change? What would it look like for you and your loved ones if you actually declared that this stoy is no longer serving you. 

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Someone said “real growth starts when you’re tired of your own shit” and I felt it. Not only for myself, but for so many people I love. It’s been the same story, same excuses, same circumstances that we’ve blamed for so long... isn’t it time to let go?

I’m NOT saying to just forget it, or that our feelings aren’t valid. What I AM encouraging is that we stop beating ourselves up and start dealing with them, and putting the work in to heal our wounds.

Key Takeaways

  • Be Honest about the benefits of staying the same:  What are you really holding onto - and what are you afraid of?

  • Don't give into the "Microwave Culture": Just because it isn't instant results or instant gratification doesn't mean the work you're putting in isn't working. You are worth the work and wait.

  • There is no need to be traumatized: A quote only gets you started. The fact is, most people won't actually change until there's a significant emotional event that's relative to the person that will force change. Do you have to wait?

  • Thank your old stories: They were there for a reason but they are no longer serving you. Declare new ones as your truth.

Resources Mentioned in the episode:

The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy

Anchor.FM - Start Your Own Podcast

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